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How will you filter/select the applicants? You need to design a series of five tasks to filter applicants.

1) Wall sits for 1 min and 30 seconds

2) Run 2 miles in less than 20 minutes.

3) Sprint 100 meters.

4) Do 25 pushups without stopping  

5) Hold your breath for 1 minute.

6) Jump more than 4 feet.

7) Can you stand on one leg for more than 1 minute?

8) Can you lift something more than 100 pounds.

9) Can you run a mile in 8 minutes?

10) Can you do 50 crunches in less than a minute?

11) Do at least 15 pull ups without stopping?

12) Arms hang for 1 minute.

13) Stand still for 1 hour.



Aerobic fitness - ability of the heart and lungs to deliver blood to muscles,

Muscular strength and endurance - enough to do normal activities easily and protect the low back.


Flexibility - ability to move your many joints through their proper range of motion.


Body composition - not too much body fat, especially around the waist.





  • Why do you want to go to Mars?

  • What emotions do you feel most days?

  • How do you handle other humans?

  • How do you feel under pressure?

  • Are you comfortable with the fact that you will never see your family and friends again?

  • Do you ever feel depressed?



The actual test - We will make a model spaceship and put some of the applicants that passed the other tests in the model spaceship. We will put all of them in the model and we will have hidden cameras in the model and see their reactions to the tight space with the other humans. You will be in this model spaceship for 1 month with dehydrated food and water. If they get crazy or try to injure anyone they will not pass but if they get along with  the people and can handle their emotions, and be okay with not seeing their own family and friends they will pass and will get ready to go to Mars.      


This test will be after the Survey, Physical training, Health/Medical test. After all the other test we will get a group of people (who passed the other tests) put them in a model of the spaceship to test if they are comfortable around lots of people. They will pass the test if they can get along with people in the room. If they can handle their emotions and not get in any fights. Also if they have claustrophobia, then they will not be going to mars because we will not send someone up to space comfortable with the circumstances. There will be mini cameras so we can see their reaction. Hopefully, we will have many people going to mars.


You will go to and start the survey, and the training, and the tests, the last test will be the mental one where you need to be ok with the circumstances. You will be tested by going in a spaceship model with all of the other applicants. We will be watching you and see how you do and see your reaction to being in small space for one month with food and water and we will see how you do with the other people.

You Cannot Have…


1) Gastroesophageal reflux disease Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Heartburn 

2) Allergy Rhinitis, Dyspnea, Bloating

3) Antisocial personality disorder Impulsivity, Dysphoria, Disregard for right and wrong

4) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Boredom, Hyperactivity, Lack of Concentration ADHD/ADD

5) Alzheimer's disease Apraxia, Aggression, Pathological laughing 

6) Andropause

7) Anorexia nervosa Extreme Weight Loss, Emaciation, Xeroderma

8) Arthritis Dyspnea, Night Sweats, Pain


Medical Doctors: various fields of medicine, three years of experience 

Scientist: PHD, various fields of science

Engineer: Master Degree at least 

Pilot: Simulation training and skill in one of the other fields

Leader: Needs degree in space travel and life 

Veterinarian: Degree in animal care

Farmer: Degree in hydroponics 

Teacher: Basic degree in teaching 

Therapist: Degree in therapy 

All of them need recommendation from respected sources









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